A Future Sunset Part 3

This is the last part, so here goes… Tässä on nyt viimeinen osa… Det här är sista delen på det här inlägget… In the first picture: Some Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum ‘CaribbeanCrush’ looking a bit light / hiukan vaaleana / i sin ljusaste variant) would fit the scheme / krassit sopisivat / krasse skulle passa This Hemerocallis is waiting for a move / tämä päivänlilja odottaa siirtoa / den här dagliljan väntar på flytt  Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ and one of the best pictures I’ve ever taken (in 2004 or something with a very simple camera): perfectly co-operating butterflies and a really nice hybrid of Dahlia ‘Bishop’s Children’  Dahlia ’David Howard’ of course / tietenkin / såklart  I’ve experimented with similar color schemes in my kitchen garden, but those times I’ve aimed for a slightly more “tropical” look than I intend to do now. Quamolclit lobata & Sambucus ‘Sutherland Gold’ on the left. Olen kokeillut samanlaisia väriyhdistelmiä ennekin, silloin olen hakenut hiukan “trooppisempaa” lookia kun nyt.  Quamolclit lobata & Sambucus ‘Sutherland Gold’ vasemmalla Jag har experimenterat med liknande färgvärldar, då har jag dock haft ett litet mer ”tropiskt” utseende som mål. Quamolclit lobata & Sambucus ‘Sutherland Gold’ t.v. I don’t know the name of this dahlia, it might be ‘Lady Darlene’, but I have my doubts, it’s my tallest dahlia at about 1,8m and LD should only reach 1m and have a bit more red in the flower, it’s just that I know I’ve bought ‘Lady Darlene’ from Graines Baumaux a few years back.. / ehkä Dahlia ‘Lady Darlene’ / kanske Dahlia ‘Lady Darlene’. Option B / vaihtoehto B / B-förslaget ‘Ace Summersunset’ Cosmos ‘Cosmic Orange’ a few years ago in a pot, some of the “tropical” kitchen garden, also some years ago. Cosmos ‘Cosmic Orange’ ruukussa, pari vuotta sitten ja osa minun “trooppista” keittiöpuutarhaa. Cosmos ‘Cosmic Orange’ I en kruka för några år sedan liksom den “tropiska” delen av min köksträdgård. The extension for the first list / lisät edelliseen listaan / tilläggen till den förra listan Althea ‘Double Apricot’ Aster ‘Sherbet Orange’ Coleus sp. – has some new name.. Cosmos ‘Cosmic Red’ & ‘Cosmic Orange’ Crocosmia: ‘Venus’, ‘Star of the East’, ‘Golden Ballerina’, ‘Carmine Brilliant’, ‘Lucifer’ Echinacea ‘Sundown’ – orange Helenium ‘Helena Red’ Helianthus ‘Earthwalker’ Heuchera: ‘Kassandra’, ‘Mida’s Touch’, ‘Peach Flambé’, ‘Southern Comfort’ Heucherella: ‘Brass Lantern’, ‘Persian Carpet’, ‘Sweet Tea’ Pennisetum ’Jester’ Sambucus ’Sutherland Gold’ – I have it, but it might get a bit big Sweet potato wine – yellow leaved Tithonia ‘Fiesta del Sol’ or ’Torch’ Tropaeolum ‘Ken Aslet’ Tropaeolum speciosum Zinnia sp. I found / löysin / jag hittade Heuchera, Heucherella, Crocosmia @ http://www.plantagogo.com/ Now either some digging or until next year with this.. Nyt pitää kaivaa tai odottaa seuraavaa vuotta .. Nu blir det att gräva eller att vänta på nästa år..